
Hello all,

I wanted to let you know that Selah released their CD, "You Deliver Me" a week and a half ago. It contains three songs that I wrote with Todd(One of the members of Selah) and Tony Wood. The songs are called "Beautiful Terrible Cross", "Depth of Mercy", and "Unredeemed". Here is them singing Unredeemed. It is going to be their next single. I'm excited for everyone to hear this song. Let me know what you think.

First Beach Vacation(sort of)

Sarah and I just got back from Gulf Shores, AL. Sarah said that it was her first beach vacation. I reminded her that we went to Hawaii for our Honeymoon and she smiled and reminded me that it rained the whole time we were there...as in monsooned. We were offered a free place to stay in Gulf Shores and we were so grateful. We played golf together(she's gonna be an amazing golfer), got massages, and ate great food. I think one of our dinner's together at a place called Louisiana Lagniappe might have been my favorite meal ever. While we were on the beach one day, Sarah said, "I could get into this!". I have a feeling we will find our way back to the beach sometime in the near future. Thanks to Mickey Thomas and Julie Bunt for the condo!

My Deliverer

This past year, I wrote a song with Tony Wood and Jason Walker called "My Deliverer". We got together on a day back in March and decided we were going to write for Mandisa because she was going to record a new CD. We turned the song in and my publishing company followed up with the demo. They pitched it and from what we heard, the people at EMI really liked the song and put it on hold for Mandisa. It is always encouraging to hear that people like your song but you learn very quickly in this industry to not really get your hopes up. She did indeed record the song and they chose it for her first single from the new record. We knew back in December that it was going to be a possibility as the first single and were really excited but again took it with a grain of salt.

This past week, Sarah and I drove out to Mt Juliet to go test drive a car that a guy is selling. She has driven an 89 Honda Accord for the past 4 years. She deserves a newer car!!! On our way back from test driving the car, we had the radio on and as we were talking, we heard "My Deliverer" in the background. I have had around 10 radio singles with several of them being fairly successful. I have historically downplayed the emotion of hearing your song for the first time on the radio. I think deep inside, I have wanted to react like this:

Sarah and I got so excited in the car when the single came on the radio. We just started dancing in the car and singing. It was a great moment that I will always remember. I am so grateful for her. It is her birthday tomorrow and hopefully she will be getting a new car. Happy Birthday to you Sarah. Oh...check out Mandisa's cut of "My Deliverer" here and buy it so we can pay off this car:)

The Sound of His Voice

I have been telling people recently that I am grateful for this season and the songs that have been birthed out of it. I am feeling really creative. One of the guys that I have been excited to be in the room with is a guy named Michael Farren. He is the front man in a band that is signed to Word Records called Pocket Full of Rocks. He has a great passion for communicating the hope of the Gospel of Jesus and it's fun chasing songs with him. He is also a good hang.

We got together recently to write and started talking about the sound of the Lord's voice...the physical sound of it. He shared a video with me that illustrated something about sound that I had never seen. Check this out. You may want to adjust your volume down as it might get a little bit uncomfortable.

Now this is just conjecture but what if it was the actual sound of the Lord's voice was the thing creating the heaven's and the earth. God said let there be light and there was light. God said let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water and it was so. God said...God Said...God said...and all of creation came to be. If there is a pattern to be made by a simple frequency and sand, is it too much of a jump to wonder if the actual sound of the Lord's voice made water and made it flow into the ocean...if it caused flowers to bloom....if it so creatively formed an elephant? I wonder.

To take it a step further, is the voice of the Lord STILL holding things together? Maybe there is a frequency of His voice that we can't hear that is still audibly creating?

All of these musings birthed a song called "The Sound of Your Voice" and I'm very happy with it. Hopefully you will hear it when the next Pocket Full of Rocks CD comes out.

I am so glad I am not a scientist...although it's fun to wonder about, it almost makes my brain explode:)

Listen here Cupcake....

Yesterday, I went to lunch with Carl Cartee and Barry Weeks at Boscos in Cool Springs. It was chilly outside and we noticed on the way in that there was a Bocci court. I'm not even sure if it is called a "court" but there were two areas outlined to play. I looked at Carl and said, " We are totally going to play after lunch." He smiled really big and said, "You're On". We went in and ate and on the way out, Barry asked if we could stop by Starbucks on the way back. Carl and I said sure, all while walking towards the Bocci "court". It turned out that the court was muddy as in the kind of mud that will build up on your shoes until it feels like you are walking around with bricks on your feet. We were a little bit disappointed that we couldn't play. As we were walking towards Barry's car, I looked up and saw Gigi's cupcakes. I said a sentence that has never come out of my mouth. I said, "guys...what about a cupcake". Carl laughed out loud and said, "We are totally getting a cupcake". I have watched this recent cupcake craze from the outside looking in. I like a cupcake...as in...if there are cupcakes at a party, I might eat one. That being said, we walked in and the nice lady behind the counter gave us an audio tour of the cupcakes in the display case. For some reason, none of them looked appetizing because the icing was piled as high as the cake itself almost making them look top-heavy. I was about to bail when Barry offered to pay. I was still not going to get a cupcake but he insisted so I ordered one. To give a brief synopsis of our experience, I don't think I will go back. I would give the cake part of the cupcake a solid grade of a "B" and the icing would get a dismal "D". But don't take my word for it cupcake. For $3, make your own assessment.

Let me know what you think.

Start of a New Season

I signed a publishing deal with Essential Publishing yesterday and I am grateful to continue to be able to be using the gift God gave me to encourage people with music. I have grown so much as a writer at Brentwood Benson. I am so blessed that they took a chance on me seven years ago. I want to thank some of the people who have gone out of their way to help me in my journey. Marty Wheeler signed me to Brentwood Benson Music Publishing when I started. His belief in me was so foundational. Holly Zabka has some of the best instincts for songs and has been patient with me as I have grown. I am a better writer because of her. I could list over a hundred writers that have added tools to my songwriting "toolbox". Some of the ones that stick out are Tony Wood, Sue Smith, Brandon Heath, Joel Lindsey, Kyle Matthews, Jess Cates, Laurianne Cates, Ricky and Randy Jackson, Craig Monday, and Steve Dean. And for all the others over the past seven years that I've been in the room with chasing ideas, I am so thankful for you as well.

For all the songs behind and for all the ones to come, I am grateful.